Senior lecturer of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications

Education and career

    In 1990 graduated with honors from the Dnepropetrovsk Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Mining Institute Artema majoring in Automatics and Telemechanics and qualified as an electrical engineer.

    In 1990-2000 she worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

    In 2000 she completed her postgraduate studies at IGTM Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, majoring in «Underground Mining». Theme of the dissertation – “Automation of control of the condition of the bottomhole part of an explosive mountain massif”.

    In 2006-2015 she worked as an assistant at the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications.

    In 2015-2017 she was the Deputy Dean of FIT.

    In 2015 – refresher courses, certificate 12SPK 995960.

    Since 2015 – Senior Lecturer in the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications.

    Total length of service – 30 years, experience of scientific and pedagogical work – 17 years.

Educational activities

    She teaches the subjects “Fundamentals of Circle Theory, Signals and Processes in Electronics”, “Fundamentals of Electronics”, “Electronics and Chips”, “Fundamentals of Control and Adaptation in Telecommunication Systems”.

Research activities

    Research of transmission processes in telecommunication systems and networks; development and research of models of thermal processes of high-power industrial and domestic power units.

International activities

     Participation in international seminars and conferences.

Publications and patents

    She has 2 patents, the textbook “Fundamentals of Management and Adaptation Theory” and about 10 articles in professional publications.