Korchenko Anna Oleksandrivna

Professor of the Department of Information Security and Telecommunications

Education and Career

    National Aviation University, specialty “Protection of information with limited access and automation of its processing” and “Economics and entrepreneurship”, 2007.

    Postgraduate studies at the National Aviation University (specialty 05.13.21 – “Information protection systems”) 2007-2010.

    2013 – she defended her candidate’s thesis on the topic “Anomalous state models for cyber attack detection systems in computer networks” and received the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences on 05.13.05 – “Computer systems and components”.

    2014 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of Information Technology Security.

    In 2019, she defended her doctoral thesis on the topic: “Methods of identifying abnormal states for intrusion detection systems” in the specialty 05.13.21 – “Information protection systems” and received the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences.

    2021 – awarded the academic title of professor of the Department of Information Technology Security.

    Laureate of the Boris Paton National Prize of Ukraine (Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 661/2021 dated December 16, 2021) for work in the field of information security.

Educational activities

      Teaches disciplines: “Information security management systems”, “Information security audit”, “Organizational support for information protection and special record keeping”.

Scientific activities

    Information security, computer security, artificial immune systems, business continuity management, psychophysiological studies using the polygraph.

Publications and patents

    Has 5 copyright certificates. The total number of publications is about 50.

Certification training

    Certificate of English proficiency at B2 level (No. 26057 dated March 13, 2021).

    Certificate of internship from 02.11.2020 to 04.12.2020 at the Faculty of Informatics and Automation at the Academy of Technical and Humanities in the city of Bielsko-Biała (Republic of Poland) in the field of professional activity (Protection of information technologies (7 modules, 108 hours)).

      CERTIFICATE of COMPLETION of the course Advanced Malware Analysis within the 2022 Cybersecurity Summer Instructor Training Program under the USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity, 11 July – 31 August 2022, 180 годин.