Admission 2024

Get acquainted with the specialties offered by our department. Here you will find information about the main areas of study, programs and opportunities for future students.

      The department of information security and telecommunications aims to train specialists with higher education in the fields 12 “Information technologies” and 17 “Electronics and telecommunications”.

Training of specialists is carried out according to specialties, the names of which are formulated in accordance with existing standards.

125 Cyber ​​security and information protection

Specialty 125 "Cyber ​​security and information protection"

covers a set of protection methods in the field of telecommunications and informatics related to the assessment and control of risks arising from the use of computers and computer networks and their implementation from the point of view of confidentiality, integrity and availability.

172 Electronic communications and radio engineering

Specialty 172 "Electronic communications and radio engineering"

covers mobile and satellite communication, radio broadcasting and television, computer and information systems. The direction includes the development and operation of telecommunications systems, radio communication, television, radio control, mobile communication, electronic and computer systems, etc.