The History of our department

In this section, you will find an interesting and detailed history of our department, covering the period of its establishment, key events and achievements, as well as important stages of development.

Professor V.I. Zhukovitsky

    At the end of 50-th of XX c. became evident the importance and seriousness of electronics and computers applications in scientific research, engineering calculations, and solution of production management problems and automation of technological processes.

  Having regard to the discipline’s specific on industrial electronics and computer engineering, as well as the necessity for their inclusion into the workplans of all specialties, September 2, 1964 at the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute has established a special department of industrial electronics and computer technology.

  Organization and management of the department was instructed the illustrious scientist and educator, doctor of technical sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Zhukovitsky. At the time the department consisted of, except the head, 2 docents and 5 assistants. The department was equipped with the first training lab of industrial electronics (12 workplaces) and computer engineering (7 workplaces). The department also included Research Laboratory of electronic computers and Computer Engineering.

Department of Industrial Electronics and Computer Science in 70th years

    Since the foundation to the present the members of the department have been and are conducting research in various scientific fields. In the early period of the department development were two basic directions of scientific work: “Development of methods and computer-aided design and management of mining enterprises with the use of computer technology” and “Development of technical means for automated control systems and control of mining enterprises”.

      Significant achievements in scientific and teaching activities the department staff was led by such academics as professor Bunko Viktor, docents Tovstonog Nicholay and Trach Anatoly, who headed the department from 1978 to 1993.

professor V. Bunko
docent N. Tovstonog
docent A. Trach
Professor G.V. Kuznetsov

      Since 1988 the department has a new name Electronics and computer engineering.

      1993 year – the beginning of a new stage in the history of the department. From 1993 to 2011 the department was headed by a distinguished scientist and educator, doctor of technical sciences, Professor George V. Kuznetsov.

    During its existence, the department gave life to many departments and divisions of the university. In 1970, a section of mathematical methods of operations research was organized at the department. Since September 1971, it was separated into a separate department with the same name (now the Department of System Analysis and Management).

    In 1970, instead of computer engineering laboratory at the department was organized the computer technology department, which consisted of state budgetary group of computers and computer equipment, also full-time staff, which was involved in the implementation of research projects.

      In 1996, the part of the teaching staff has been allocated to organize at the Economics Faculty the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies.

        In 2003, the part of the teaching staff has been allocated to organize at the Information Technology Faculty the Software Engineering Department, which trained specialists in the “Computer Science” field.

      Since December 2012 the Department has the new name of Information Security and Telecommunications.

           The “Information Security” department at NTU “Dniprovska Polytechnic” (NTU DP) has more than 30 years of history. As early as the early 90s of the last century, the research laboratory of “Digital signal processing” was functioning, the employees of which performed work on the orders of the Zaporizhzhia plant “Radioprilad” and the Zaporizhzhia Research Institute of Radio Communications to ensure the safety of communication systems.

    In 1997, a meeting was held on the basis of the National Mining Academy of Ukraine (now the National Technical University of the State of Ukraine) “Problems of organization and provision of technical protection of information in the Dnieper region”, according to the results of which, the decision dated November 26, 1997. and the joint order of the State Committee of Secrets of Ukraine (No. 84/12 dated 02.05.1998) and the Ministry of Education of Ukraine (No. 237/12 dated 03.02.1998) was introduced in one of the first universities of Ukraine on the basis of the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering (EOT) specialists from the field of “Information security”.

    From 1998 to 2006, three specializations in the field of knowledge “Information Security” were opened, licensed and accredited at the highest educational and qualification level “Master” at the department:

  • “Protection of information with limited access and automation of its processing” (Technical information protection systems);
  • “Protection of information in computer systems and networks” (Security of information and communication systems);
  • “Administrative management in the field of information protection with limited access” (Information Security Management).

    Since 2016, the areas have been combined into a single specialty 125 “Cybersecurity” and the training of specialists under the educational and professional program “Cybersecurity” has been started for two OCR bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

    For 2021-2022 AD in the specialty 125 “Cybersecurity”, the volume of admission to the bachelor’s degree exceeds the total volume of other higher education institutions of the region. According to the results of 2021, NTU DP is in the TOP-10 in Ukraine and ranks first in the region in terms of the number of submitted applications for the bachelor’s budget, and is the only one in the region that prepares master’s degrees.

  Electronics, computer modeling, cyber security and technical information protection facilities are used in the training of specialists in the specialty 125 Cyber ​​Security. The laboratories are equipped with modern computers and specialized multi-functional complexes, in particular domestic “AKOR-2PK-M” and software and hardware protection means.

    In the practical training of students, the database of the Dnipro Regional Center for Technical Information Protection (PRTC TZI) is widely used. CISCO, IBM and Microsoft training courses with the possibility of obtaining certificates are integrated into the educational process.

  The Dnipro branch of the inter-departmental inter-regional seminar of the Scientific Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Technical means of information protection” has been working on the basis of the BIT department for 15 years.

  Cooperation agreements have been concluded between the National Technical University of the State of Ukraine and a number of enterprises and organizations in the fields of cyber security and telecommunications, in particular with IBM Polska (2019), which include: distance specialized courses in cyber security based on the IBM Security Learning Academy, industrial practice and employment graduates, professional development of teachers. NTU SE actively cooperates with the Offices of the Cyber ​​Police, the State Special Intelligence Service and the SBU in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

    Since 2021, NTU SE has been a partner of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) project “Cybersecurity of Ukraine’s Critically Important Infrastructure”. Within the framework of this project, the program of training teachers of the ICT department, improvement of educational programs in the specialty “Cybersecurity” and implementation of practical training laboratories is being implemented. The teachers of the BIT department participate in CTF-competitions on cyber security and train students on the SANS and RangeForce platforms.

    The teachers of the BIT department conduct advanced training courses for employees of enterprises and organizations of Ukraine on technical information protection and cyber security of critical infrastructure, in particular DTEK.

    Over the years from 2003 to 2022, more than two thousand specialists in the field of information and cyber security were trained, who work in leading institutions, organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership in Ukraine and the world. In particular, in the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Intelligence Service, structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice, banking institutions (Privatbank, Monobank, Raiffeisenbank, etc.), KB “Pivdenne”, DTEK, PCH, etc. Graduates should be noted separately , who work in leading positions in cyber security at leading international companies such as Deloite, IBM, AXA, etc.

    National Technical University of Ukraine is the only university in the region that has a license to conduct business activities in the field of technical information protection. On the basis of this license, employees of the PRC ТZI and the BIT department, during the performance of contract work, create KSZI for IT companies and institutions of various forms of ownership and conduct their state examination.